jeudi 23 février 2017
Reshape Your Butt With This Move
I like being a little sore the day after strength training. I consider it positive feedback that I am building new muscle right where I want it. This single-leg toe tap is so simple and effective that it always leaves my butt sore, in the best way possible. This move fires up the glutes through a large range of motion combining the benefits of a deadlift with a deep single-leg squat without putting extra pressure on your knees. What's not to love?
- Holding a 10-pound dumbbell in your right hand, stand on your left leg with your right foot lifted.
- Keeping your back flat, bend your left knee while bending forward at your hips to lightly touch the dumbbell to the ground. Keep your right knee bent and your right leg close to your body.
- Push through your left heel and return to the starting position to complete one rep; try to keep your right foot off the ground as you complete all your reps.
- Do 12 reps each leg for a set, and do two to three sets.
If you're new to strength training, try this exercise without a dumbbell and work up to adding weight.
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