lundi 6 février 2017

The 1 Ice Cream Flavor That Might Help Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

There's no denying that breastfeeding is tough, but we've just discovered a potential diamond in the rough. A delectable new Ben & Jerry's flavor could be linked to increasing your milk supply. But before you grab your spoons and scarf down an entire pint, allow us to explain the deal.

Ben & Jerry's Oat of This Swirled flavor contains brown sugar ice cream with fudge flakes and oatmeal cinnamon cookie swirls. Is your mouth watering yet? Due to the fact that the sweet treat contains oats, it's classified as a galactagogue, or a food that boosts milk supply. Consuming a high quantity of natural galactagogues is known to benefit your milk supply and potentially increase it. Other galactagogues include foods like alfalfa, garlic, and fennel, although oats are seen as one of the more effective options because they positively impact milk-making hormones.

If you're looking to up your breast milk supply, it may be worth it to try adding this oat-filled dessert to your grocery list this week!

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