mercredi 22 février 2017
These Photos Are Battling the Idea That Dads Are Just Glorified Babysitters
Although many moms get the chance to carry a baby, give birth, and breastfeed, dads don't get those same experiences. But when it comes to parenting, those differences are set aside, and it's clear that fathers are just as capable and responsible for their child's development as mothers.
If you've ever heard someone praise a dad for "babysitting" his little one, you've probably thought about the double standard that comes with that statement. Why are men praised for parenting, being involved, or spending time with their child, while moms are just expected to? In an attempt to shed light on those misconceptions, an Instagram account is celebrating all that fathers do for their kiddos.
DontForgetDads is working to end the unfair belief that dads and moms aren't equal one adorable snapshot at a time and is staying truthful to its tagline: "Fatherhood without fear. I don't babysit. I parent." Check out the most heartwarming snapshots ahead!
Dad Proves That His Love For His Kids Is More Important Than Any Issues With His Ex-Wife
Stay-at-Home Mom's Post About Husband Seeks to Remind Others How Hard Fathers Work
Dad's Note to Selfless Wife Carrying Their Baby Without a Brain to Term For Organ Donation
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