jeudi 2 février 2017
Tone Up Your Inner Thighs and Booty With This Powerful Sculpting Move
Get ready to sculpt EVERY muscle in your legs with this powerful toning and strengthening move - it's low-impact, no-equipment, and do-anywhere!
- Stand with the feet hip distance apart.
- Keep your upper body straight, core engaged, with your shoulders relaxed, and your chin up.
- Step forward with your right leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your other knee gently lowers softly to the floor.
- Activate your inner thighs by squeezing your legs toward each other, and keep the weight in your front heel as you push back up to standing, keeping your right foot in place so you can lower back down.
- Continue to lower and lift with your right leg forward for 30 seconds.
- Repeat with the left leg forward for 30 seconds. This completes one rep.
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