lundi 27 février 2017

Utterly Shocking New Study Proves Moms Get Less Sleep Than Dads

New research confirms something we secretly always knew to be true: women with children are more likely to be sleep-deprived than women without kids. But on the flip side, having kids has no effect on the father's sleeping habits. Interesting.

Researchers at Georgia Southern University surveyed 5,805 people aged 45 or younger about their daily sleep schedule. For the sake of the research, seven to nine hours of sleep was considered sufficient and less than six hours was seen as insufficient. Overall, 48 percent of mamas reported getting optimal sleep each night, whereas 62 percent of women without kids got adequate shuteye.

A closer look at the findings revealed another fascinating, though not too surprising, fact: a mother's chance of getting inadequate sleep each night increases by 50 percent for each additional child she has. Sleep-deprived mamas, if you're planning on having more kiddos in the future, you best brush up on some creative ways to lure them into a slumber so you can get some shuteye, too.

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