mercredi 22 février 2017
Work Your Arms and Legs Together With This Lunge Variation
Ready to work your inner thighs, booty, calves, arms, shoulders, and back . . . all at once?? One move, no equipment, 20 reps alternating sides - ready? Let's go!
This reverse lunge adds some simple arm work to sculpt your back, shoulders, and upper arm muscles while working your legs and glutes. It's low impact and kinder to your knees, and will give you an excellent resistance workout - an awesome calorie-burner!
- To begin, stand tall with your arms straight in front of you, making two loose fists. Take a large and controlled step backward with your left foot.
- Lower your hips, coming into a lunge with your right thigh (front leg) parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with your left heel lifted.
- As you're lowering your hips, squeeze your shoulder blades together, bringing your elbows wide while keeping your arms parallel to the floor.
- Return to standing by pressing your right heel into the floor and bringing your left leg forward while reaching your arms back to the starting position. Alternate legs, and step back with right leg to complete one rep. Yes! One rep equals lunging backward on each leg.
- Continue alternating for a total 20 reps.
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