vendredi 10 mars 2017
An 8-Week Plan to Make You a Runner
A runner isn't born overnight: it takes weeks of building up and training the body to get used to moving this way. If running is one of your goals, here's an eight-week plan to get you running 30 minutes straight. Whether you enjoy running outside in the fresh air, or hitting the treadmill at your gym, this plan will turn you into a runner in just two months.
15 Steps to Becoming a Runner
This plan involves three running workouts per week. On the days you're not running, it's OK to work your muscles in other ways by doing different forms of cardio, strength-training sessions, or yoga or flexibility training. As always, listen to your body and adjust the schedule as needed to allow for much-needed recovery time. Begin each workout with a five-minute warmup, followed by a five-minute cooldown.
Here's a printable version of this workout that you can take to the gym or share with your friends.
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