jeudi 23 mars 2017

Boy Trying to Nap on His Dog Proves Babies and Pups Are the Best Combo

We all know that babies and puppies are a pretty amazing combo, but this recent video of a baby trying to take a nap on his uber relaxed dog is proving that fact even further. In the video, 10-month-old Oliver and his best furry friend, Leonidas, are seen cuddling on the floor. However, Oliver just cannot get comfy, so he continually puts his weight on Leonidas, grabs at his fur, and attempts to push himself up into a better position.

The adorable video is only a minute long, but we have a feeling this could have gone on for quite some time. Leo seems totally unfazed though, and even turns to encouragingly lick his human as he struggles to achieve the perfect cuddle. "Oliver recently discovered how soft and fluffy Leo is and has started to insist on trying to take a nap on him," the video's caption reads. "They love each other, follow each other around, and are obsessed with one another!"

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