mardi 14 mars 2017

"Child-Friendly Kama Sutra" Book Forces Mom to Discuss How Babies Are Made

Although important, discussing where babies come from and how they're made with your kids is never comfortable, regardless of their ages. However, one mom's hysterical recount of having to discuss this fragile topic with her 8-year-old way sooner than expected is making us simultaneously cringe and keel over with laughter at the same time.

Katherine Peck was sitting with her kids in a doctor's office waiting room when her son Adem picked up a picture book to look at called Mummy Laid an Egg!. However, the innocent-looking book was anything but, and soon, her 8-year-old daughter, Ayla, became very interested in the (hilarious) contents of the story.

"All began routinely enough, with 'sugar and spice and all things nice' and such, but I was ill prepared for the most sudden u-turn on page six, where we're introduced to Daddy's friendly looking 'seed pods!'" Peck wrote in a post to Facebook featuring photos of the book's pages. "No holds barred on pages eight and nine either, where apparently 'this fits in here . . . ' (sounds easy enough) and then what can only be described as a child-friendly Kama Sutra guide ensues on page 10! Aerial acrobatics, fetish clown outfits, and space hoppers (fun times!)."

Although funny, Peck admits she was most certainly not ready for the "surprising twist" the trip to the doctor's office took. "To say Ayla showed a sudden interest in the 'silly baby book' is an understatement!" she said. "Cue the four billion questions I hadn't planned answering today."

Scroll through to see the pages of the "child-friendly Kama Sutra guide" for yourself - and prepare to laugh harder than you ever have about sex before.

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