lundi 20 mars 2017
Dad Filmed the Thoughtful Talk He Had With His Son Who's Being Bullied
When Isaac Irvine found out that his youngest son Bodi was being bullied at school for having long hair, he knew that he needed to have a talk with him about the incident. Rather than have a quick chat about how to handle bullies, the dad videoed himself and Bodi having the important conversation so that Bodi would not be the only one to learn from his own experience but so other parents and kids can learn from it as well.
"You got bullied today, huh?" Isaac asks his 9-year-old, to which the boy responds, "Yeah," and explains that two boys at school passed him and made fun of him because he has long hair and "looks like a girl." Bodi admits that the encounter made him feel sad, so his dad lifts him up by commenting on how awesome his hair is, as is the fact that he's selflessly growing it out to donate to kids with cancer.
Isaac then asks his son if he wants to know a secret. "Daddy gets made fun of sometimes too. . . . People look at me and are like, 'Look at that guy with all the tattoos on his neck and hands and stuff.'" To this, Bodi says he thinks it's cool that his dad has tattoos, so Isaac transitions, asking his son if he thinks he's the only person who gets bullied.
7 Signs Your Son May Be a Bully
When Bodi responds, "No," Isaac comments that maybe if Bodi thinks telling people his story could make him feel better about the whole thing, then maybe it can help someone else feel better, too. "Did you say anything back to them or did you just let it roll off your back?" Isaac asks, to which Bodi responds that he let the bullies' comments roll off his back. "That's a good thing. I'm glad you didn't get angry," Isaac added.
The proud father then goes into the end of his chat, telling Bodi, "What you have to remember when someone makes fun of you is just because you're unique and don't look like everyone else doesn't mean you're weird or that being different is a bad thing." Despite the entire conversation being quite an emotional one, Isaac appears blown away at his son's concluding statements. "I think being different is a good thing," Bodi says. "It means you think different than other people."
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