dimanche 26 mars 2017
Dad's "Mouse Trap"-Esque Gender Reveal Is Going to Blow Your F*cking Mind
Holy sh*t is all I can say right now, y'all. This Rube Goldberg machine gender reveal, which took Dude Dad Vlog's Taylor Calmus and his friends three days to set up, is going to blow your f*cking mind.
"It's March 12, 2017 - we're about to find out the gender of Theo's little brother or sister," Taylor starts the epic video. "It's been about three days setting this up and me and all my best friends are super tired." After the short introduction, Theo is set in his crib and tasked with knocking his sippy cup off the ledge to begin a house-wide chain reaction that ends in a pink or blue surprise.
From baby powder swinging like a tether ball around a lamp to knock a car down a ramp to a golf ball running down a long track to set off a leaf blower that would push another golf ball into a row of dominoes, these guys literally used every household object and an insane measure of ingenuity to pull this thing off. We won't ruin the ending for you, but we promise: this is the coolest damn way to reveal a baby's gender that you've ever seen.
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