jeudi 2 mars 2017

Get Out Is Just the Beginning - Jordan Peele Is Working on 4 More Horror Movies

If you loved Get Out, some exciting news from Jordan Peele is going to make your day. In an interview with Insider, Peele casually mentioned that his recent hit horror film is just the first in a series of thrillers he plans to make about social injustices.

"I have four other social thrillers that I want to unveil in the next decade . . . The best and scariest monsters in the world are human beings and what we are capable of especially when we get together. I've been working on these premises about these different social demons, these innately human monsters that are woven into the fabric of how we think and how we interact, and each one of my movies is going to be about a different one of these social demons."

Furthermore, in a Reddit AMA from last month, a fan asked if Get Out takes place in the same universe as his 2016 comedy Keanu, and Peele's answer was very intriguing: "I didn't intend it to be in a connected universe, but . . . my next three or four films I will be looking at possibly connecting them." In the same AMA, he confirmed that he intends to write and direct all the films himself.

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