dimanche 19 mars 2017

How 1 Mom Indulged Her Pregnancy "Cravings" Is Sheer Perfection

As a food blogger, Eden Grinshpan already had a passion for food. So when this Brooklyn mom-to-be got pregnant, that certainly didn't change.

Eden has pretty much been living out every pregnant woman's dreams by indulging in her cravings with seriously good eats and showing off her food conquests with hysterical photos on Instagram. From covering her bump in beloved Shake Shack fries while eating an over-the-top burger to deciding which doughnut to go for first while lounging in bed and double-fisting pizza on the couch, these photos are everything.

Without a doubt, Eden is a hero who deserves to be applauded for having fun with her cravings and sharing her sense of humor with the world.

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