samedi 18 mars 2017

Look Closely or You Might Miss the Details of the Latest Eyeliner Trend

Once again, we find ourselves doting on another form of eyeliner art (because let's be real, it's like looking at tiny eye paintings!). This time it isn't cheesy pizzas, magical mermaids, or neon liner, but dotted eyeliner instead.

Sound somewhat low-key? That's because it is! But that makes it no less pretty. Makeup artists, enthusiasts, and influencers have taken to Instagram to share their many versions of the dotted liner look. Some have used black liner to add a fun twist on the classic cat-eye while others relied on white, creating a beautiful variation of the white liner look we're currently crushing on.

The best thing about this look is that it's pretty easy to re-create. If you have a heavy hand and are a little scared of liquid liner, it may be easier to create small dots with a liner pencil, as these are faint and easier to remove if you mess up; you can then dot over them with the liquid liner. But if this still scares you, you can always use a nail dotting tool. Just make sure there isn't any nail polish residue left over!

Scroll on for more inspiration, then shop for the perfect liner to DIY your own version of this pretty eyeliner art.

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