vendredi 10 mars 2017
OMG, This Little Girl Got Blown Away From the Wind and We Can't Stop Watching
Whoever said children can't fly has obviously never met Madison Gardner. During the recent massive windstorm in Northeast Ohio, 4-year-old Madison caught some air while trying to open her front door and the entire thing was caught on camera. Her mom, Brittany Gardner, posted the video on Facebook, where we hear her gasping after realizing Madison was airborne and hanging from the door. Naturally, she's now an internet sensation. (And yes, that's Frank Sinatra's "Come Fly With Me" playing in the background.)
But don't worry, Madison "is totally OK." After making thousands of people laugh from her flying video, Brittany responded to comments saying that her daughter was initially scared, but was laughing and "telling everyone how she flew" later that day. We're so happy Madison wasn't hurt and we are just going to leave this video looping for the rest of the day. Let's also take note of the fact that no matter how scared she was, the child never dropped her phone! Impressive.
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