jeudi 16 mars 2017

The Amazing Way 1 Mom Honored Everyone Involved in Her Girl's Adoption Day

Although her daughter's adoption day was a big deal for Millie Holloman and her little girl, this new mom realized that the milestone wasn't just about the two of them.

"Sure, our lives are the most dramatically changed through this adoption but Wren's story is far reaching," Millie wrote on Facebook. Millie's friends and family have been with her throughout her entire foster care and adoption journey. "I've often said that when I signed up for foster care, I signed up for the heartache and pain that often come with it," she wrote. "But my family and friends didn't sign those papers, just me. I just dragged them all into it."

Although Millie was the only one to sign the papers, she knows that she and her little girl will never be alone thanks to their "village," who is celebrating alongside this new forever family.

They've been through the ups and downs with me. They've supported me when I called crying after court hearings or given me a shoulder to cry on when I've had to buckle kids in their car seat and send them off with another family to love. They have fallen in love with these kids and they have prayed big prayers for us all. They have stepped up and filled in the gaps for the roles I can't be to these kids.

As a way of recognizing everyone's contribution to her new family, Millie had Matthew Ray of Matt Ray Photography document on Wren's adoption day instead of focusing solely on the mother-daughter duo. "I'm so grateful for my friends and family . . . I would not be where I am today without my village, and words can't express how much you mean to us!" she wrote. "Thank you for bringing Vera Wren into our tribe and loving her like your own!"

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