mercredi 15 mars 2017

This Is Us: The Finale Has Us Worried About Jack and Rebecca's Marriage

This Is Us had its much-anticipated season one finale on Tuesday night, and while it didn't feature any shocking twists like the rest of the season, it certainly created a bigger divide between Jack and Rebecca. Not only did the two have a big falling out, but the episode is also causing a few fans to wonder if they will get a divorce before he dies.

After showing up drunk to the opening night of Rebecca's tour, Jack creates a big scene when he finds out Ben tried to make a move on his wife. Due to his intoxicated state, Rebecca decides to not go on stage and take Jack home instead. The two have a tense car ride back and finally let their true feelings boil over when they get home. Rebecca gets mad at Jack for his drinking problem, and in turn, Jack gets mad at Rebecca for putting her career above her family. As their argument dwindles down, Jack reminds his wife that their fight is insane because they both love each other, but Rebecca isn't so sure. She asks him what he really loves about her - not what he used to love about her - but in this moment, what does he really love about her? When he has no response, Rebecca decides to call it a night and goes to bed.

The next morning, Rebecca goes downstairs to find Jack sitting on the couch. The two have a rational conversation about the state of their marriage, and Rebecca suggests that Jack stay with Miguel for a little while. He agrees, but before he leaves, he answers Rebecca's question from the night before. "I love the mother that you are," he tells her. "I love that you are still the most beautiful woman in any room. And that you laugh with your entire face. I love that you dance funny and not sexy, which makes it even sexier. But most of all, I love that you are still the same woman who, all those years ago, ran out of a blind date because she simply had to sing. You're not just my great love story, Rebecca. You are my big break, and our love story - I know it may not feel like it right now, but baby, I promise it's just getting started."

While their relationship certainly isn't looking good at the moment, we aren't exactly sold that they will get a divorce. For one, the timeline doesn't add up. We already know that the Big Three are teenagers when their dad dies, so that doesn't really allow enough time for them to separate, unless of course, something drastic happens. Another point is Rebecca's half moon necklace. In the first flash forward of her and Miguel, she's still wearing it. Why, after all this time, would she still wear the necklace her former husband gave her if they ended things on a bad note? No, it seems like there is definitely going to be a bigger twist in the seasons to come, and we don't think we're ready.

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