vendredi 31 mars 2017
This Mom Gave Birth to 4 Babies in 11 Months and No, They're Not Quadruplets
A woman in Wales has given birth to four babies in just 11 months. No, they're not quadruplets, and yes, you read that right.
After welcoming her daughter in February 2015, Becky Johns and her partner, Jason, discussed having more children close in age to Mya - really close. The couple started trying for another baby right away and Becky got pregnant just a week after having Mya, but that's not even the most shocking part of the story.
To Becky and Jason's disbelief, they heard not one, not two, but three heartbeats at Becky's scan - triplets. "I had to stare at the screen just to make sure for myself," Becky told Barcroft Media. "And I counted the heartbeats one by one. It was true I was actually pregnant with triplets."
Although naturally conceived triplets tend to be rare, Becky's were even more so in that they each came from a separate egg, meaning three placentas and less chance of risks associated with the babies sharing a placenta. Becky gave birth to three healthy babies - Ryan, Phoebe, and Raya - via C-section last January.
"I was so huge by that time I could barely move and doctors wanted to get them out in case I went into labor early," Becky said. "I'd been carrying around nearly 15 pounds of babies. I couldn't believe it. But I was just so relieved they were all healthy and well."
Becky's wish for children close in age certainly came true, and the family couldn't be happier. Her 9-year-old daughter, Kayla, loves her baby brother and sisters, and Becky says that "it's lovely to think that Mya and the triplets will grow up so close in age."
This post was originally published on Jan. 4, 2017.
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