jeudi 30 mars 2017
This Total-Body Workout Can Easily Be Done While Watching TV
We know sitting all day is bad for us, increasing our risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. But you can counteract the negative effects of sitting eight hours a day by getting in an hour of exercise. And any time you can find during the day to throw in some extra movements is a bonus!
So after dinner, instead of plopping yourself on the couch while bingeing on episodes of This is Us, get up and do this quick 10-minute bodyweight workout.
The Workout: Do each of the exercises below for one minute.
Jumping jacks
Squat with a side leg lift (30 seconds per side)
Jumping jacks
Elbow plank with a donkey kick (30 seconds per side)
Jumping jacks
Forward lunges (alternate between sides)
Jumping jacks
Plank with bunny hop (alternate between sides)
Jumping jacks
Feeling super motivated? Repeat this again! Or do this 10-minute couch and pillow workout.
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