mercredi 8 mars 2017

Use This Genius Trick to Get Every Last Drop of Concealer Out of the Tube

Having a love for cosmetics can end up being a costly hobby, which makes it all the more frustrating when you can see - but not reach! - the very last drops of product in a tube. Not too long ago, Michelle Phan showed us how to scoop those dregs of lip gloss out of the container. However, we're wary of microwaving our precious tubes of concealer in order to get at what's left.

Thankfully, Reddit user renaissancetomboy shared her trick for doing so in an easy DIY featuring Tarte's cult-favorite Shape Tape Contour Concealer ($24).

"I pulled the plastic stopper out of the tube with a pair of locking pliers, scraped it off, then used a depotting spatula to scrape the tube as best I could," she explained. "I basically got a whole other tube of concealer out of it. I can't believe nearly half the product that's in the tube is left in the tube when it's 'empty.'" (She sanitized the spatula and new container before filling it with the remaining quantity of concealer.)

As she rightly points out, this extra amount can last a seriously long time, so this method is absolutely worth the effort. Click through the above gallery for step-by-step instruction on how to get every last drop of concealer out of the tube.

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