samedi 11 mars 2017
What Did That Game of Thrones Teaser Reveal? We Have Some Bad News . . .
Praise the old gods and the new! After a viral Facebook Live reveal that lasted longer than an actual episode, we've finally been given a taste of Game of Thrones season seven . . . and it's already shaping up to be the wildest one yet. No, it's not just because it's been the longest waiting period for a season in the show's history; we analyzed every single symbol in the under-two-minute teaser, and holy sh*t, it spells serious bad news for everyone in the Seven Kingdoms. Let's review, shall we?
"There's only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here."
The teaser opens with Daenerys discussing her father, The Mad King Aerys, while a three-headed Targaryen dragon ominously revolves on screen. Then, the teaser moves on to other major house sigils made from stone (that also slightly resembles wrought-iron, a là the Iron Throne). While sound clips from bloody betrayals of seasons past play in the background, the sigils from the houses involved in each betrayal are shown attacking one another - Lannister lion taking down Stark direwolf and the like.
After culminating with the Tyrell rose engulfed in deadly green wildfire, the sigils begin to crumble, shattering into broken stone pieces that fall into a strange, spiraled symbol on the snowy ground. This symbol is then revealed to be the center of a massive bright-blue eye. During this time, we hear Jon Snow speak the only new words of the teaser: "There's only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here."
Significant Moments
- Opening with the dragon heads: By highlighting three distinct dragon heads while Daenerys speaks about her father's failings as a ruler, the teaser gives more credence to the Three Heads of the Dragon theory. This theory is based on a prophecy which purports that "the dragon has three heads," and has been interpreted by fans as meaning that Daenerys needs a rider for each of her dragons before she can win back the Iron Throne and serve as rightful queen. Many believe that the other dragonriders will be Jon Snow, a Targaryen, and Tyrion Lannister, who has already exhibited his surprising knack for handling Dany's beasts.
- Every house sigil crumbling like stone: Every house sigil, including the Targaryen one, crumbles in the teaser; no single family crest remains unscathed. This could mean many things, but the most apparent is that house loyalties will fall in the face of a new foe - the White Walkers. The "game of thrones" will seem insignificant in the face of an army of undead, and humanity will be forced to unite or die. Now that Winter is here, there's only one war that matters . . . and in order to stand a chance in it, the major houses of the Seven Kingdoms will need to cease their warring ways.
- Pieces of the houses falling into the snow: Combined with the Daenerys's visions in the House of the Undying, which included snow falling in the Red Keep, this could mean that the White Walkers prevail in their attack on Westeros and nobody wins the game of thrones. Or, this could simply mean that house loyalties fall to the wayside when Winter comes. Guess we'll have to find out!
- The symbolic pattern of the broken sigil pieces: The symbol of fragmented sigils resembles the pattern shown when Bran sees the Children of the Forest create the first White Walker during a flashback to the days of the First Men.
- The vivid blue iris: Remember the Night King, aka the big bad leader of the wights and White Walkers? He's got bright, icy-blue eyes, baby. It's on.
- Daenerys's quote about major houses as spokes on a wheel: "Lannister, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They're all just spokes on a wheel," Dany says in the teaser. "This one's on top, then that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel." Then, the wildfire illuminates a spoke-like outline behind the Tyrell rose before the sigils all begin to crumble. Sounds like "the wheel" Daenerys references will be broken during season seven; whether it's by her or by a massive army of undead icemen, though, is left to be seen.
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