lundi 6 mars 2017
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» Who Dies in Logan? Here's Your Cheat Sheet
Who Dies in Logan? Here's Your Cheat Sheet
Warning: Spoilers follow!
Not one can accuse Logan of sugar-coating Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman) final chapter. The latest X-Men movie is incredibly violent and doesn't shy away from showing exactly how Wolverine dies - but he's not the only one who doesn't make it out alive. If you don't want to see the movie but you want to know what happens, read on.
- Professor X (Patrick Stewart) is killed. He's not in good shape in Logan, but what ends up taking him out isn't any illness - it's a clone of Wolverine. Transigen has been developing a killing machine known as X-24 using Logan's DNA, only this clone is pure rage. Professor X is just waking up after spending the night at a farm house, enjoying the family's hospitality, when X-24 approaches him and mercilessly murders him. The real Logan gets there just in time to say goodbye to the Professor and assure him that he's not the killer.
- Caliban (Stephen Merchant) commits suicide. If you're not familiar with Caliban, he's the albino mutant who has the power to track other mutants. He's enlisted against his will by Pierce and the villains at Transigen to track down Wolverine and tiny mutant Laura (Dafne Keen). He ends up leading the lab workers directly to his old pal, but in an effort to help Wolverine escape their clutches, Caliban blows himself up with grenades.
- Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) gets annihilated. In the final battle in the woods, the mutant children attack Pierce with all their powers at once. They freeze him and suffocate him with grass, and while he's not shown as a corpse or anything, we can all but assume he's dead.
- Zander Rice (Richard E. Grant) gets shot. Rice is the scientist behind Transigen's inhumane mutant experiments, and he finally gets to meet Logan in the flesh . . . Then Logan shoots him dead.
There you have it. It's brutal, but at least Laura and (most of) the kids get out alive.
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