dimanche 12 mars 2017
Why Daylight Saving Time Is Legitimately Hell For Parents
Even though Daylight Saving Time only comes around twice a year, that's still way too often for many parents. While it has never been proven, many moms and dads are convinced that this tradition of turning the clocks an hour forward or backwards was created with the sole purpose of torturing them. It might seem like a blessing to "get an extra hour" of sleep on Nov. 6, but this is actually a cruel way to get toddlers who would normally sleep in until 5:30 a.m. to start rousing their parents at 4:30 a.m. instead. From messing with your schedule to creating a cranky household that feels like they are adjusting to an entirely new time zone, these are the 10 reasons why daylight saving time is hell for parents.
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