vendredi 17 mars 2017

You'll Never Believe These Quotes Actually Came From Kids' Mouths

One New York City teacher has been using social media to share the thoughts, comments, and questions that her little scholars pose on a daily basis - and the results are hilarious.

In 2014, the quote sharing began on the Live From Snack Time Twitter account, and since then, with the help of a graphic designer friend, the teacher has turned the quotes into graphics, which have blown up on Instagram.

"We knew parents and teachers could relate to these priceless kiddie moments, but it took off more than we could have imagined," she told POPSUGAR Moms. The duo's favorite part of the process is going through the thousands of daily submissions and seeing that the way children develop and process thoughts is extremely similar all over the world.

"Above all, Live From Snack Time was created to highlight the minds of kids and to help adults understand their thought process. I encourage teachers and caregivers to take these questions and comments very seriously, as we are their 'life tour guides.' Adults could even learn from their honesty and quick responses; I learn all day long! My partner and I are happy to bring the world some joy, really reaching all different demographics. Kiddie humor is something we have all experienced!"

Read through to see some of the hysterical graphics - we can't wait to see what Live From Snack Time turns out during these first few weeks back at school!

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