lundi 10 avril 2017

21 Things Dads Should Teach Their Daughters

It's no secret that the relationship between a father and daughter can be one of the most important connections in her life. Not only is a dad one of his little girl's first role models, but he also has the power to influence the person that she becomes and shape how she views the world. Through his presence, a dad is constantly teaching his daughter both directly and through her observations, but there are certain lessons that he should prioritize instilling in his little girl.

As dads realize the impact they have in shaping this little person - both positively and negatively depending on their actions - these are the lessons they should focus on to raise empowered women.

  1. How to follow her passions.
  2. That girls should be heard and not just seen.
  3. How to respect herself.
  4. That she has a support network she can tell anything to.
  5. How to love and treat her partner.
  6. That it's just as important to try as it is to succeed.
  7. How to love herself.
  8. That it's okay for both boys and girls to cry.
  9. How to give love without expecting anything in return.
  10. That love doesn't come with conditions or strings attached.
  11. That it's okay to be silly.
  12. How to think outside the box and embrace her creativity.
  13. The different ways she can show love to someone.
  14. How to follow through with her commitments.
  15. The value of her word.
  16. That it's okay not to always have all of the answers.
  17. How to trust others.
  18. How to handle failure.
  19. How to face fear.
  20. How to put herself outside of her comfort zone.
  21. How to stand her ground and fight for what she believes in.

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