vendredi 28 avril 2017
5 Reasons We're Freaking the Eff Out Over the Dragons Love Tacos Sequel
Hey, mom! Did you know that dragons love tacos?
If you answered with an emphatic, "OBVIOUSLY," you are going to want to keep reading. (And if you don't know what on earth I'm talking about, YOU ARE MISSING OUT so keep reading, too.)
After five long years, the smoking' hot picture book, Dragons Love Tacos, is getting a sequel. That's right: there's more to the New York Times bestselling story about how to plan the ultimate taco party for dragon friends . . . while avoiding the spicy salsa, of course.
Here's what you need to know about Dragons Love Tacos 2: The Sequel (penned by Adam Rubin and illustrated by Daniel Salmieri) in advance of its release on May 2:
1. The premise is even more disastrous than the original.
Breaking news, according to the publisher: "It has just been discovered that there are no more tacos left anywhere in the world. This is a huge problem because, as you know, dragons love tacos." Oh, we know.
2. There's time travel.
Apparently, these legendary beasts figure out a way to travel back in time to before tacos went extinct in the hopes of grabbing lots of tacos (pantloads of tacos, perhaps?) to bring back to present day.
3. Spicy salsa returns to give dragons the tummy troubles (and you know what happens when dragons get the tummy troubles).
We aren't sure as of yet how salsa made with spicy jalapeño peppers will affect our protagonists this time, but if it's anything like last time, when the party-hosting kid didn't read the fine print on his jar of "totally mild salsa," these dragons will puff smoke from their ears, snort sparks from their nose, and breathe fire to your house.
4. Dragons love . . . diapers?!
Advance readings of the book reveal a bit of a twist (spoiler alert) involving their time machine device. Because it's difficult to calibrate, the do-gooding dragons venture to a host of alternate realities – including a universe in which dragons love diapers ("that's not right") and one in which tacos chow down on dragons ("weird, but closer!"). It even mistakenly sends them back to the scene of the fateful taco party we all know and love. Parents, keep your eyes peeled: on some of these journeys through space and time, some recognizable historical figures make appearances.
5. It'll read just like the comforting sound of a good friend's laughter.
The zany companion to Dragons Love Tacos promises to be as gut-bustlingly ridiculous and yes-I'll-gladly-read-it-again-and-again entertaining as the first. And full of tacos. Beef tacos and chicken tacos, and really big gigantic tacos and . . . you get the idea.
Taco drop.
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