samedi 8 avril 2017
67 Senators Who Support Trump's Decision to Bomb Syria - From Both Sides of the Aisle
President Donald Trump has accomplished yet another stunning policy reversal. On April 6, despite maintaining a noninterventionist position on Syria during his campaign, President Trump launched 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airbase. This followed President Bashar al-Assad reportedly authorizing a chemical weapons attack which killed 70 civilians. Trump described the strike as a warning to Assad. "It is in this vital national security of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons," Trump said in a news conference announcing the action from his Mar-A-Lago estate.
It's quite clear that if there is one policy a wide range of Democrats and Republicans can agree on, it's that American intervention in Syria is not only necessary - it's laudable. A mere six senators have publicly opposed the airstrike, while 31 have vocally endorsed the president and another 38 tentatively endorsed it pending congressional approval. Below is a list of senators from across the political spectrum who have released statements or commented in favor of the assault, both unconditionally and with reservations.
1. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York.
Please see my statement following the US military strike in Syria:
- Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) April 7, 2017
2. Democratic Senator Bill Nelson from Florida.
I support the admin's strike on the air base that launched the chemical attack. I hope this teaches Assad not to use chemical weapons again.
- Bill Nelson (@SenBillNelson) April 7, 2017
3. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina.
Statement with @SenJohnMcCain on military strikes in Syria.
- Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) April 7, 2017
4. Republican Senator John McCain from Arizona.
.@POTUS's strikes in #Syria send impt msg US won't stand by as #Assad, aided by #Russia, slaughters innocent Syrians
- John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) April 7, 2017
5. Republican Senator Marco Rubio from Florida.
Busy morning discussing military strikes in #Syria. The days of committing war crimes with impunity are over. #SyriaStrikes
- Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) April 7, 2017
6. Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin.
My statement on last night's U.S. military strikes in Syria:
- Sen. Tammy Baldwin (@SenatorBaldwin) April 7, 2017
7. Democratic Senator Michael Bennet from Colorado.
My statement on U.S. strikes on a Syrian airfield:
- Michael F. Bennet (@SenBennetCO) April 7, 2017
8. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut.
My statement in response to the U.S. missile strikes in #Syria:
- Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) April 7, 2017
9. Republican Senator John Boozman from Arkansas.
He released a statement of support on his website, though he expressed reservations about further action.
10. Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown from Ohio.
My full statement on the US air strikes in Syria last night:
- Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) April 7, 2017
11. Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina.
This week, Bashar al-Assad once again committed genocide against the Syrian people with the one of the most horrific weapons known to man.
- Richard Burr (@SenatorBurr) April 7, 2017
I am encouraged that the President decided to take action.
- Richard Burr (@SenatorBurr) April 7, 2017
The United States is once again asserting its leadership responsibility in eliminating genocide.
- Richard Burr (@SenatorBurr) April 7, 2017
12. Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito from West Virginia.
My statement regarding @POTUS' military action in #Syria:
- Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) April 7, 2017
13. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland.
I will work w/Senate colleagues to have @POTUS articulate a comprehensive Syria strategy, incl plan for ending this war and removing Assad
- Senator Ben Cardin (@SenatorCardin) April 7, 2017
14. Democratic Senator Bob Casey from Pennsylvania.
While last night's strikes were appropriate, @POTUS must lay out a comprehensive strategy on both Syria & ISIS #SyriaStrikes
- Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) April 7, 2017
.@POTUS was rightly moved by images of attacks on Syrians but his travel ban prevents those same people from resettling here #SyriaStrikes
- Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) April 7, 2017
15. Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine.
Senator Collins' statement on the military strike in Syria #mepolitics
- Sen. Susan Collins (@SenatorCollins) April 7, 2017
16. Republican Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee.
I am proud of the president and of our nation for the strikes in Syria that sent the right message to Assad about using chemical weapons.
- Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) April 7, 2017
17. Republican Senator John Cornyn from Texas.
.@JohnCornyn backs Trump's "welcome demonstration of America's commitment" in Syria: "Weakness is a provocation & strength is a deterrence"
- Jamie Lovegrove (@jslovegrove) April 7, 2017
.@JohnCornyn backs Trump's "welcome demonstration of America's commitment" in Syria: "Weakness is a provocation & strength is a deterrence"
- Jamie Lovegrove (@jslovegrove) April 7, 2017
18. Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto from Nevada.
I support Admin's response to this atrocity, but any further military action against Syrian regime should be debated & approved by Congress.
- Senator Cortez Masto (@SenCortezMasto) April 7, 2017
19. Republican Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas.
I commend President Trump for taking swift, decisive action against Bashar al-Assad's outlaw regime. MORE:
- Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) April 7, 2017
20. Republican Senator Mike Crapo from Idaho.
My statement on @POTUS-directed military strikes in Syria.
- Senator Mike Crapo (@MikeCrapo) April 7, 2017
21. Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas.
Statement on U.S. Missile Strikes in #Syria
- Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 7, 2017
22. Republican Senator Steve Daines from Montana.
My statement on the U.S. military strikes in Syria 👇🏼
- Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) April 7, 2017
23. Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly from Indiana.
Joe's statement on the US missile strike in Syria.
- Senator Joe Donnelly (@SenDonnelly) April 7, 2017
24. Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth from Illinois.
My statement on last night's US military strike on Syria here →
- Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) April 7, 2017
25. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois.
My statement on tonight's U.S. missile strikes in Syria
- Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) April 7, 2017
26. Republican Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa.
My statement on the missile strike against Syria:
- Joni Ernst (@SenJoniErnst) April 7, 2017
27. Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein from California.
The news that Syria has once again attacked its own people with deadly chemical weapons is sickening. My statement:
- Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) April 4, 2017
28. Republican Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona.
Spoke on-camera this afternoon about my support for @POTUS' #SyriaStrikes & my effort w/ @timkaine & @SenJohnMcCain on an #AUMF against ISIS
- Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) April 7, 2017
29. Republican Senator Deb Fischer from Nebraska.
My full statement on U.S. air strikes in Syria:
- Senator Deb Fischer (@SenatorFischer) April 7, 2017
30. Republican Senator Cory Gardner from Colorado.
My full statement on the US airstrikes in Syria:
- Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) April 7, 2017
31. Democratic Senator Al Franken from Minnesota.
My full statement on the U.S. military strike in Syria:
- Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) April 7, 2017
32. Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan from New Hampshire.
Read my statement on U.S. military action in Syria:
- Sen. Maggie Hassan (@SenatorHassan) April 7, 2017
33. Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich from New Mexico.
He released a statement in favor of Trump's strike without reservations.
34. Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp from North Dakota.
The chemical weapons attack that killed and wounded innocent Syrians cannot be tolerated. Now president needs to show long-term plan
- Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (@SenatorHeitkamp) April 7, 2017
35. Republican Senator Dean Heller from Nevada.
My statement on U.S. Military strikes in #Syria:
- Dean Heller (@SenDeanHeller) April 7, 2017
36. Republican Senator John Hoeven from North Dakota.
He released a statement unconditionally supporting the airstrike.
37. Republican Senator Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma.
The days where our enemies don't fear us and our allies don't trust us are over.
- Jim Inhofe (@JimInhofe) April 7, 2017
38. Republican Senator Johnny Isakson from Georgia.
I support @POTUS' swift and decisive action to punish the Assad regime for the atrocities committed. MORE:
- Johnny Isakson (@SenatorIsakson) April 7, 2017
39. Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.
.@POTUS produced real consequences – very measured & direct approach to deter further use of chemical weapons.
- Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) April 7, 2017
40. Republican Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana.
.@SenJohnKennedy praises #Syria strike, calling Assad a "thug" --> "I hope that Assad gets the message that there's a new Sheriff in town"
- Kevin Frey (@KevinWAFB) April 7, 2017
41. Independent Senator Angus King from Maine.
He released a statement supporting the airstrike with reservations.
42. Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar from New Mexico.
Briefing today at 1. Using chemical weapons is an atrocity & that's why attack was on airbase. Going forward admin must consult w/congress
- Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) April 7, 2017
43. Republican Senator James Lankford from Oklahoma
The int'l community must join the U.S & demand that #Assad step down & allow the refugees to return to their homes in #Syria. #Airstrikes
- Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) April 7, 2017
44. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia.
My statement on the air strikes in Syria last night.
- Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) April 7, 2017
45. Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill from Missouri.
Released a statement unconditionally supporting the airstrike.
46. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell from Kentucky.
I support both the action and objective of @POTUS' strike against #Syria to deter the Assad regime from using chemical weapons again.
- Leader McConnell (@SenateMajLdr) April 7, 2017
This was a clear signal from America that Bashar al Assad can no longer use chemical weapons against his own people with impunity. #Syria
- Leader McConnell (@SenateMajLdr) April 7, 2017
47. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey.
Assad's war crime merited an international response, but we can't forget Putin's complicity in this carnage:
- Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) April 7, 2017
48. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska.
She released a statement unconditionally supporting the airstrike.
49. Democratic Senator Patty Murray from Wyoming.
Murray's statement on the U.S. Military Strike in Syria.
- Senator Patty Murray (@PattyMurray) April 7, 2017
50. Republican Senator David Perdue from Georgia.
Assad's inhumanity in Syria will not be tolerated.
- David Perdue (@sendavidperdue) April 7, 2017
51. Democratic Senator Gary Peters from Michigan.
Read my statement on missile strikes in Syria:
- Senator Gary Peters (@SenGaryPeters) April 7, 2017
52. Democratic Senator Rob Portman from Ohio.
We must hold #Assad accountable for his cruel & illegal use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians:
- Rob Portman (@senrobportman) April 7, 2017
53. Republican Senator Jim Risch from Idaho.
He expressed his support of the airstrikes in an interview with The Spokesman-Review.
54. Republican Senator Pat Roberts from Kansas.
VIDEO: My statement on the U.S. military strikes in #Syria.
- Pat Roberts (@SenPatRoberts) April 7, 2017
55. Republican Senator Mike Rounds from South Dakota.
President Trump sent a strong message to the Assad regime that unconscionable attacks against innocent Syrian people will not be tolerated.
- Senator Mike Rounds (@SenatorRounds) April 7, 2017
56. Republican Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska.
my statement on military strikes in Syria
- Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) April 7, 2017
57. Republican Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina.
My statement on U.S. military strikes in #Syria:
- Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) April 7, 2017
58. Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire.
My statement on US airstrikes in Syria:
- Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) April 7, 2017
59. Republican Senator Richard Shelby from Alabama.
Following the events in Syria, I believe that the President must now articulate a comprehensive plan to best protect our nation's interests.
- Richard Shelby (@SenShelby) April 7, 2017
60. Republican Senator Luther Strange from Alabama.
.@POTUS decision to engage in tactical airstrikes against Syrian regime is the kind of decisive action required for #SyriaChemicalAtttack
- Sen Luther Strange (@SenatorStrange) April 7, 2017
61. Republican Senator Dan Sullivan from Alaska.
I applaud @POTUS for his decisive action, degrading #Syria's ability to use chemical attacks against Syrians & regional neighbors in future.
- SenDanSullivan (@SenDanSullivan) April 7, 2017
62. Republican Senator John Thune from South Dakota.
After years of inaction, yesterday's targeted strike sends a clear message to Assad that his brutal behavior won't be tolerated. #Syria
- Senator John Thune (@SenJohnThune) April 7, 2017
63. Republican Senator Thom Tillis from North Carolina.
My statement following the U.S. military's airstrikes in Syria.
- Senator Thom Tillis (@SenThomTillis) April 7, 2017
64. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen from Maryland.
My statement on the U.S. military #SyriaStrikes:
- Chris Van Hollen (@ChrisVanHollen) April 7, 2017
65. Democratic Senator Mark Warner from Virginia.
.@POTUS needs to articulate a coherent strategy for dealing w/ complex conflict in Syria, because the consequences of a misstep are grave.
- Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) April 7, 2017
66. Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island.
We have witnessed yet another atrocious act by the Assad regime against its own people, and we are called to conscience.
- Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) April 7, 2017
67. Republican Senator Roger Wicker from Mississippi.
He released a statement supporting the airstrikes.
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