mardi 11 avril 2017
A Photographer Completely Shut Down the "Birth Shamers" Who Think This Photo Is Gross
One of Lacey Baratt's birth photos recently went viral because of the incredible moment between father and newborn son that she captured. However, after some people left online comments about the placenta "ruining" this beautiful image, Lacey decided to stand up to those who have a negative "opinion" about the photo.
"Stop. Right there. Opinion accepted. But don't you dare spew your birth shaming hatred in the name of 'opinion and freedom of speech,'" Lacey wrote on Facebook. "Birth shaming is making a mother feel ashamed or guilty for her birth choices. Be it elective or emergency, birth shaming can amplify postpartum depression, including postpartum psychosis (yes, that is a real thing.)"
Lacey pleads with others to think before they speak to a new mom and explains how words can impact both her mental stability and emotional well-being. "When a mother is so newly postpartum small comments like this can make the difference between having a blissful babymoon and converting it to a dark secluded period of time rethinking her choices and how she perceives her birth experience," she wrote. "It can make an incredible experience turn painful in a instant."
The reason Lacey's clients graciously grant her permission to share their vulnerable birth photos is to help normalize "the true essence of birth that has been tainted by Hollywood and other social media platforms," but that opens them up to harsh judgment for their choices. "So what if you ate your placenta, you buried it, you disposed of it as 'toxic waste' and 'biohazardous material,' you blended it, encapsulated it, smoothied it, cut the cord, didn't cut the cord, delayed cutting the cord, or ate that sh*t raw," Lacey wrote. "I think it's time we all come together as birthing women and say, 'Job well done you badass, you did it,' and stop shaming women for their choices made during the birthing process."
Instead of tearing others down for how they brought life into this word, Lacey hopes to celebrate those choices with the world while putting an end to the nasty comments.
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