vendredi 21 avril 2017
Dad Proves That His Love For His Kids Is More Important Than Any Issues With His Ex-Wife
On his ex-wife's birthday, Billy Flynn woke up early to buy flowers, cards, and gifts for his boys to give their mom. He then helped his two kids make her breakfast and surprise her with the treats.
Despite his kind actions, though, this dad still receives criticism on a regular basis, so he's explaining his actions to those who don't understand why he does nice things for his ex. "I'm raising two little men. The example I set for how I treat their mom is going to significantly shape how they see and treat women and affect their perception of relationships," Billy shared on Love What Matters Facebook page. "I think even more so in my case because we are divorced. So if you aren't modeling good relationship behavior for your kids, get your sh*t together. Rise above it and be an example. This is bigger than you."
This isn't the first time someone was confused by Billy being on good terms with his ex, so this dedicated dad realizes that he is setting the example both for his children and other adults. "Raise good men. Raise strong women," he wrote. "Please. The world needs them, now more than ever."
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