samedi 29 avril 2017

Disney Employee's Simple Act of Kindness For 2 Girls With Special Needs

After a nameless Disney employee made the day of his daughter with special needs, Glenn O'Neill reached out to the people of Facebook to help him find the man so he could express his gratitude.

While O'Neill was visiting Disney World with his family and some friends, the group decided to take a break before getting on another ride. O'Neill noticed a spot where his daughter, Eliza, and her friend - who both have Sanfilippo syndrome, a terminal illness described as "childhood Alzheimer's" - could see Doc McStuffins greeting other kids. What unexpectedly happened next left O'Neill in tears.

"As we parents were talking, the next thing we know, the Doc McStuffins character is right in front of Eliza and holding her hand," he wrote. "Eliza's look of wonderment was something I won't forget, and Doc did the same with Keira, who didn't want to let go of Doc's hand. Doc spent a good several minutes with both children. Then we see the character Jake from the Neverland Pirates, come over and do the same, leaving the area where people were waiting in line, to meet the girls."

O'Neill and the other parents couldn't figure out how the characters found their group in the sea of people waiting in line to see them, until he spotted a Disney employee smiling at them.

He wrote:

We never asked him or acted like we wanted to be in line. He did this, on his own, just seeing these two girls in their chairs, and he knew what it would mean to them . . . and to us. I remember naturally glancing over the long line of people waiting, who now would have to wait longer, and feeling a bit guilty and worried about the looks. But do you know what I saw? I saw only smiles, from the parents and from the kids . . . and some parents whispering to their children, probably explaining "these girls need to see the Doc right now, before we do." I don't think anyone noticed, but I had to drop my head and hide and hold back the tears coming. The emotions were taking over, for the first and only time during our trip.

The dad ended his post admitting that he didn't get the compassionate man's name but he wouldn't soon forget this special moment he created for Eliza and Keira. However, thanks to Facebook, O'Neill was connected with the employee, Roberto Sierra, and was able to thank him personally.

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