lundi 17 avril 2017

Here's How Selena Gomez Is Involved in 13 Reasons Why

Though she may not appear on screen, Selena Gomez has been a driving force behind Netflix's adaptation of 13 Reasons Why. She's referred to the show as a "passion project" since signing on as an executive producer, and she's been doing a number of interviews with the cast since the show premiered. Back when we spoke with the stars before the show debuted, Dylan Minnette talked about one of the days Gomez turned up on the set: "She stayed with us the whole day on set and talked to everyone. She took us out to dinner and saw a movie with us, and we hung out with her. I don't think I can emphasize how generous she is and how genuinely she cares."

Whether or not the series continues for another season, Gomez will probably stay behind the camera. "A book is frightening for me because I know the cult following it has," she told The Hollywood Reporter. "Which is the reason why I didn't want to be in it." In fact, it was her mother who brought the project to her back when it was still going to be adapted into a film. Despite not wanting to star, Gomez was so drawn to the material that she took on the project as an executive producer and helped get it made as a Netflix miniseries.

On top of supporting the cast and crew, Gomez contributed two songs to the soundtrack: a cover of Yazoo's 1982 track "Only You" and an acoustic version of "Kill Em With Kindness."

Now that the show itself has a cult following, it's likely that a second season will be greenlit. Even Gomez has said she's hoping for season two!

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