samedi 8 avril 2017

Jason Momoa's Evolution Is Proof That He Ages Like Fine Wine

It's a true blessing when your favorite celebrities grow more attractive with age - ahem, Paul Rudd and Charlie Hunnam - and perhaps the most jaw-dropping example of this phenomenon is Jason Momoa. Sure, the Hawaiian heartthrob has always been a cutie, but somewhere between the early 2000s and today, he blossomed into the embodiment of masculine sexiness.

Now 37 years old, Jason rocks a mean set of muscles (RIP, t-shirts) and an impressive collection of tattoos. But do you remember when he was baby-faced and wore his hair in dreadlocks? Journey back with us over almost two decades of Jason Momoa's good looks, and you'll come to believe that men really can age like fine wine. Aren't we lucky?

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