lundi 24 avril 2017

Jeffree Star Declares War on Too Faced Cosmetics, and It's All Over Unicorns

Last week, Jerrod Blandino, cofounder of Too Faced Cosmetics, posted an Instagram photo of the brand's Unicorn Tears lipstick, seen above. Though the post has since been deleted, beauty influencer Jeffree Star construed the image as shade, and he had a lot to say.

Jeffree went on a major Snapchat rant, explaining that "as someone that has been buying makeup for a really long time and someone that is a fan of the brand Too Faced," he was upset by Jerrod's caption. He interpreted Jerrod's "#ThereArentUnicornsInTheAmazon" hashtag as a dig toward Tarte Cosmetics and the brand's Amazonian Clay unicorn-themed collection. He then called out the Too Faced founder: "Who is that delusional and dumb to think that they invented unicorn makeup?" Yes, the drama involving some of our favorite brands and influencers is all over unicorns.

But Jeffree did not stop there. "So let's go back to the shade," he continues. "Then he has to of course announce that it [Too Faced Unicorn Tears] has the number one spot as the best-selling lipstick in all of Ulta. Ah, congrats. I'll tell you what the problem here is, who's that insecure that they have to post something that shady about another brand? If you had the f*cking balls to tweet that in your mansion, you should have the balls to keep it up on your mother f*cking Instagram. But, I'm over here scratching my head like, as a makeup lover and as a makeup fan you're shading another brand, so petty and gross, like it wasn't even creative. B*tch it sucked."

"I'm just saying y'all, I'm so disappointed as a fan of makeup and I'm just done supporting people who are gonna treat people like that," Jeffree continued. "I don't care who did unicorn what, when, where. I have a unicorn blood lipstick, should I start suing? Girl, spare me, it's makeup."

Jeffree even brings in Nikkie Tutorials and her collaboration with Too Faced, hinting at some shady business between the influencer and brand, but then he stopped himself. "If she wants to talk about that one day, I will let her," he said. "They probably had her sign so many contracts and agreements that she's not ever allowed to even speak of it. The difference between me and them, I'm not owned by a company, I'm not owned by a corporation. I own myself and I'm always going to keep it real with you guys and share my thoughts."

And that's exactly what he did, as he also went on a huge Twitter rant slamming the unicorn drama.

Check out Karina Kaboom's take on everything that went down, and let us know what you think about all of this! Did Jeffree really need to get involved? Should Jerrod have avoided the controversial hashtag? Should Jeffree have involved Nikkie Tutorials and other brands with unicorn products? Weigh in below.

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