jeudi 6 avril 2017
Little Girl Teaches Her Classmates an Important Lesson on Crazy Hair Day
When Daniella Wride was brushing her little girl's hair after a bath, she noticed something startling: an alarming amount of Gianessa's hair was falling out.
The very next day, the concerned family received a tentative diagnosis for the little girl's hair loss, and three weeks later it was confirmed that she has alopecia, an autoimmune disease that can be triggered by stress. Just 19 days after Gianessa's parents first noticed a problem, the child had officially lost all of her hair. "There are times that I think I take it harder than she does," Daniella told POPSUGAR. "You think things like: I hope someone just sees her for who she is - her beautiful, sassy, smart, loving, kind self - not just the girl without any hair."
Daniella is helping her daughter embrace her "new fabulous look" while also hoping her little one feel like she fits in. "I truly don't care if she has hair or not. But it's the experiences I don't want her to miss out on: crazy hair day, getting ready for dates, dances with friends and doing each other's hair," she said. "This girl is fierce and brave, way more so than I could have ever imagined."
As Crazy Hair Day approached at school, Daniella turned to her daughter's friends for inspiration on what to do for this potentially difficult event. They suggested temporary tattoos or body glitter, but when Daniella came across jewel stickers in the scrapbook section of her craft store, she knew that they were the perfect option for her artistic daughter.
After Gianessa created the design she wanted, her mom applied the jewels to her head. "She said she was really nervous no one would like it and when I finished, she ran to the bathroom to look at it," Daniella recalled. "She got a massive grin on her face and she said, 'I look so awesome!'"
When Daniella dropped her girl off for school, she could hear people enthusiastically complimenting her spirited look. When she picked her up at the end of the day, not only were all of the jewels still in place, but she also learned that Gianessa's teacher chose her daughter for the best crazy hair in class. "She said, 'All the kids kept swarming me! They all LOVED it!'" Daniella said. With that confident glow, it's no wonder why!
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