jeudi 6 avril 2017

Make Your Own: Homemade Cleaning Wipes and Canister

When there's a mess, instead of reaching for expensive cleaning wipes, make your own for less than a dollar. With the help of vinegar and liquid dish soap, your counters will sparkle without the use of harsh chemicals. And you'll love how this easy DIY can be made over and over with the help of a repurposed coffee canister. Made from all-natural ingredients that power through any mess, adding a few sprinkles of your favorite essential oil personalizes these eco-friendly cleaning wipes.

What You'll Need:

  • One-pound coffee canister with plastic lid
  • Paper towel roll
  • Sharp knife
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
  • 10 drops essential oil (optional)
  • Spray paint (optional)
  • Needle
  • Scissors


  1. After picking up the ingredients for these homemade wipes, they cost just about nothing to make, which means you can have a can of wipes in every room of your home. Vinegar does an amazing job of cleaning up messes while naturally whisking away germs, preventing mold, and killing bacteria. And you can use your favorite dish soap or make your own.
  1. Repurposing an old coffee can for this DIY is a fun way to create a container that can be used over and over again. Either leave the can as is, or give it a quick coat of spray paint, inside and out, for a fun look and to keep the inside of the can from rusting.
  1. To create the cleaning wipes, cut the paper towels in half using a sharp serrated knife, and squish them into the painted can. And using eco-friendly paper towels makes this DIY even greener.
  1. Mix together the vinegar, dish soap, rubbing alcohol, and water in a small bowl. You can add several drops of essential oil to the wipes, which personalizes the cleaner and boosts its antibacterial powers.
  1. Slowly pour the liquid over the paper towels. Once they're saturated, carefully remove the cardboard center, and pull a paper towel from the middle.
  1. Press a craft needle through the center of the plastic lid several times, and then fit the scissors through to cut a circle from the center, around one half-inch in diameter.
  1. Now feed the paper towel through the hole in the plastic lid, and secure it to the painted coffee can. Not only are these wipes great at cleaning and disinfecting your home, but they also look seriously cute adorning countertops. Simply add a few drops of water to the canister as needed to keep wipes moist.

For more fun DIYs, check out our list of homemade cleaning products!

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