mardi 4 avril 2017

Pregnant Mom Gets Real About Sex When You Feel "Beach Whaled AF"

Considering that she already has two kids, Mel Watt is familiar with "pregnant intimacy." However, that doesn't mean this expecting mom from Australia feels like a sexy mama ready for some action during her third trimester.

"You know there are some women who thrive when they're pregnant," she wrote on Facebook. "They love a bit of loving from the big D and then there's people like me."

Mel got real about the fact that even though she and her husband do try and she puts in an honest effort, she isn't able to embrace it and thrive in the bedroom during her pregnancy. "I'm going to be the best sex goddess ever when pregnant, I said. Well here I am. Beach whaled AF," she wrote.

Instead of keeping her struggle to herself, Mel decided to open up and list all of the reasons sex can be less than ideal when you have a baby on board, according to all the things she is now, during her pregnancy:

Wearing a liner - not because I'm that kind of wet.
I have a rash on my stomach from stretching skin.
My breasts are weapons; they'll knock anyone out.
Heavy breathing.
My last shaving job was a touch and feel job.
I'm filled with 10 fingers, 10 toes and all sorts of body parts that stick out."

And yet, despite all of these reasons that have Mel feeling less than enticing, her husband still happily calls her beautiful and sexy - which makes the situation that much more confusing for her. "Like what is wrong with this man? I'm at my worst. I'm leaking, I stink, I moan and groan, I'm hairy, and I reckon I'd have more sweat under my titties than he'd have in his gooch on the hottest Summer's day," she wrote. "And he still wants me."

Whether or not her husband is attracted to his wife because she's pregnant or is just an amazing, caring, and doting partner of an "overly emotional, stretched pregnant wife," Mel knows that at 30 weeks pregnant, she's lucky to have him by her side.

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