mardi 18 avril 2017

President Trump Signed a Hat For a Kid, Then - You Guessed It - Promptly Threw It in the Air

President Donald Trump is not having a great first Easter at the White House. During the annual Easter egg roll on April 17, Trump forgot to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Later on, Trump signed a kid's hat - only to then toss it into the crowd.

In a clip from Politico, you can hear someone asking Trump to sign his hat. Trump happily obliges before chucking it into the air. The crowd instantly shouts "No!" Needless to say, the kid's heart was probably heartbroken to see his hat thrown off so casually. You can watch the clip ahead.

The internet quickly reacted. Some thought it was funny.

Most people thought it was rude.

One person thought Trump just forgot whose hat it was.

However, a different video seems to show that Trump actually threw the hat back to the teen who asked for the autograph.

Either way, Trump of all people knows his approval numbers have already taken a beating during his first 100 days, and this doesn't help.

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