samedi 8 avril 2017

Princess Victoria Fights Back Tears While Visiting Stockholm Attack Site

Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel paid their respects to the victims of Friday's terrorist attack in Stockholm on Saturday. The royals visited the site where a truck crashed into a department store, killing four people and injuring fifteen more. Victoria laid down a bundle of roses, and appeared visibly shaken as she wiped tears from eyes. At one point, she spoke to reporters, saying, "We must show great strength. We must fight against this." "Swedish society is built on huge confidence, on a sense of community." When asked how the country should move forward, she replied, "Together."

The emotional outing comes nearly a month after Victoria was honored with a name day ceremony in Sweden. Victoria - who is first in line to the Swedish throne - was welcomed with a gun salute and a bouquet of flowers, and had the loving support of Daniel and their two kids, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar.

Image Source: STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images

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