mardi 25 avril 2017

Ready For Flatter Abs? This Core Move Will Get You There

Let's work that core in a challenging new way with this pike to plank jump!

You'll use your core to pull your hips up to the sky (it's seriously tough, so give yourself some time to feel it out). To modify, you can step forward and backward in lieu of jumping, or step forward and jump back into plank. Remember to keep your abs tight, spine neutral, and legs straight.

  • Begin in plank position with your feet together. Keep your upper body stable and engage your abs. Don't let your lower back arch.
  • Keep the weight in your hands as you draw your navel toward your spine.
  • Use your abs to pull your your hips directly up while keeping your legs straight, and jump your feet forward, landing in pike position.
  • Jump your feet back to plank, keeping your core tight and stable.
  • Do 10 reps for two to three sets.

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