lundi 17 avril 2017

Stay-at-Home Dad's Hilarious Notes About Parenting Are Going Viral

When Chris Illuminati became a dad for the first time in 2010, he and his wife decided that it would make financial sense for him to stay home with their newborn son rather than hand his paycheck over to an "obscenely expensive" day-care center. The first time Chris was left completely alone with his son while his wife was still on maternity leave, she reminded him of his responsibilities over and over so he wouldn't forget to do anything. What he chose to do in response to her reminders has turned into one of the funniest social media accounts around.

"'I better write this down,' I joked, and grabbed some post-it notes and a black Sharpie," Chris wrote on his blog, Message With a Bottle. "As a joke (because I've never taken anything in life seriously), I wrote down even the simplest of tasks and pinned it to my bulletin board. I forgot all about
the note. I also forgot to change the baby. On that day, the Message With a Bottle Tumblr was born."

Since then, Chris has been documenting his life as a SAHD to two kids - "though I never use that acronym because it looks and sounds too much like the word 'sad'" - leaving Post-It notes around the house for his wife to find and posting them on social media for the rest of the world's enjoyment. Scroll through to see some of our favorites.

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