samedi 29 avril 2017
Steve Wozniak's Critique of "Making America Great Again" Makes a Whole Lot of Sense
Tech-world icon Steve Wozniak is no stranger to seeing Silicon Valley go through changes big and small. It's why the Apple cofounder, who's been around the valley for 41 years, doesn't try to think too much about the current political state in America. However, Wozniak does have one key, direct message for Donald Trump: don't ruin the future and stifle technological innovations.
As the person behind Silicon Valley Comic-Con, where this year's theme was "The Future of Humanity: Where Will Humanity Be in 2075?", Wozniak himself believes our future success is dependent on technology. When it comes to Trump's popular campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again," Wozniak told POPSUGAR he hopes Trump realizes one aspect that fulfills that statement: technology. "But our technologies and everything are really what puts the United States prominent in the worldview - computers being a large part of that," Wozniak said. "So, don't spoil the future. That's going to be important, be it self-driving cars, be it energy-efficient cars, be it electric-operated cars. Don't spoil that." He also wants Trump to realize we shouldn't give up our lead in technology simply because "we're already wealthy."
"So don't spoil the future that's going to be important. . ."
The Woz also takes issue with which tech companies Trump's talking to and who's on his advisory team. He believes that only talking to existing companies will lead to those companies asking for tax breaks. Instead, Wozniak thinks Trump should listen to younger entrepreneurs and companies. "He should have advisors from college professors, and engineering, and entrepreneurs, and young people who want to start companies, not existing companies," said Wozniak.
Regardless of who Trump is talking to, Wozniak is optimistic those conversations will help him realize they're seriously invested in the future. "I hope that's the outcome of his being open to talk from companies around here," he said. "Because we've always been into 'let's change the future and improve it.'"
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