mardi 11 avril 2017
The Concerning Reason United Dragged a Paying Passenger Off a Flight
One man's experience on a United flight redefines travel nightmares. Videos of a passenger being violently dragged through the aisle of a United Airways flight have widely circulated around the internet, raising eyebrows and questions about the airline's actions.
@United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here's how they did it:
- Jayse D. Anspach (@JayseDavid) April 10, 2017
The video shows a man, identified as a doctor, who was reportedly on overbooked Flight 3411 from Chicago O'Hare to Louisville, KY, on April 10 as he was forcibly removed by security. According to the airline, he was asked to deplane so that employees who were needed in Louisville could take his seat. Witnesses say no one volunteered, so the airline randomly selected passengers. They were offered $800 and a hotel room for the night.
Jayse D. Anspach, another passenger, shared his account of the incident on Twitter. "The doctor needed to work at the hospital the next day," Anspach wrote.
@WHAS11 The doctor needed to work at the hospital the next day, so he refused to "volunteer." @United decided to use force on doctor.
- Jayse D. Anspach (@JayseDavid) April 10, 2017
@united @FoxNews @CNN not a good way to treat a Doctor trying to get to work because they overbooked
- Tyler Bridges (@Tyler_Bridges) April 9, 2017
People on social media who saw the incident were not pleased with United - even people who weren't on the flight were outraged.
Maybe United could offer the forcibly removed passenger a @pepsi. I hear that solves everything... #UnitedAgainstUnited
- AltEPA (@ActualEPAFacts) April 10, 2017
So because @united overbooked on a flight, they have the right to drag a paying passenger off that flight??? I will NEVER fly United...ever!
- Pamela #MarsIsComing (@pamcakes73) April 10, 2017
United. Fly the Friendly Skies. this boot on your throat.
- Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) April 10, 2017
Hey @united, look on the bright side. You'll never have to worry about dealing with an overbooked flight on your airline again.
- Patrick Quaife (@pquaife) April 10, 2017
I fly almost every week for business. Never again on @United, where I used to be a Premier Executive flyer. We have choices; I've made mine.
- Gary Oldham (@garytx) April 10, 2017
United's CEO, Oscar Munoz, released a statement in response to the videos. "This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United," Munoz said. "Our team is moving with a sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened."
United's definition of customer service is not boding well with customers recently: in March, the airline refused to allow two passengers who were wearing leggings on board a flight.
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