lundi 24 avril 2017
This Man's Mother's Day Gift to His Wife Is Experiencing Simulated Labor
"If I could do it for you I would" is the BS that comes out of every man's mouth in reference to carrying a child and going through labor - but could they really handle what a woman's body can? Penn Holderness admits that he hasn't done the whole Mother's Day thing very well for the last few years, so in 2015 he decided he was going to show his wife how much he loves and appreciates her by experiencing simulated labor pains.
We're sure he has some regrets.
Actually, we're positive.
Throughout the experience, Penn struggles through various pain levels, during which he acts exactly as a woman in labor would - but maybe with his sh*t a little less together. He says to his wife after the experience, "I felt like, mad at you, the whole time. And you weren't doing anything but trying to support me, but you didn't understand what was going on right now. So do you know how it feels to be a husband now and get shouted at?" To which his wife responds with a perfect, "Bring it."
Watch Penn in action and try not to laugh at his expense. We didn't. Nope, not one bit.
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