samedi 22 avril 2017

This Viral Video Shows a Baby Delivering Itself During a C-Section!

More often, pregnant women are looking for ways to make a possible C-section delivery as natural as possible - whether by mothers pulling their own babies out of their abdomens to researchers developing a swab technique to give cesarean-born infants the health benefits of a vaginal delivery. The latest move on this front is being dubbed the "natural cesarean."

Don't squirm just yet: this doesn't mean the mom is without anesthesia or pain-mitigating intervention. Instead, it's to do with the baby essentially delivering itself by wriggling its own body out of its mother's womb.

The new method, which is going viral thanks to a video of the procedure, is on the rise because it supposedly gives the baby a slower, calmer, less distressing entry into the world and assists with maternal bonding.

As seen in the eye-opening video, after doctors make a small incision, they ease the baby's head out. It is then left to maneuver its shoulders out alone, which takes up to four minutes - far longer than typical C-sections.

"If you are unable to give birth 'naturally,' having a natural cesarean is the next best thing," wrote Sarah Saunders, the British mom featured in the video, on YouTube. She added that it was "a birth experience I will cherish forever."

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