mercredi 5 avril 2017
Toddler Shuts Down a Cashier Who Told Her to Pick Out a "Different" Doll
After Sophia successfully pooped on the potty for an entire month, she was allowed to pick out a special prize. Not surprising to her parents, Brandi and Nick, Sophia wanted a new doll.
As her mom explained, "the obsession is real" when it comes to dolls for this little girl, but a cashier at the store threatened to ruin her excitement - simply because of the color of her new toy's skin. While Sophia and Brandi were checking out, the employee asked the toddler if she was going to a birthday party. Both the mom and daughter gave the woman a blank stare. She then asked if Sophia picked the doll out for a friend.
"Sophia continued to stare blankly and I let the cashier know that she was a prize for Sophia being fully potty trained," Brandi shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page. "The woman gave me a puzzled look and turned to Sophia and asked, 'Are you sure this is the doll you want, honey?'"
Sophia found her voice and replied, "Yes, please!" but the woman still didn't back down. "But she doesn't look like you. We have lots of other dolls that look more like you," the cashier said, according to Brandi.
Brandi immediately became angry, but before she could say anything, Sophia began explaining all of the ways she and her new doll are alike. "Yes, she does. She's a doctor like I'm a doctor. And I'm a pretty girl and she's a pretty girl. See her pretty hair? And see her stethoscope?" Sophia told the stranger.
The cashier finally dropped the conversation, but the unexpected exchange had a lasting impact on this mom. "This experience just confirmed my belief that we aren't born with the idea that color matters," she wrote. "Skin comes in different colors just like hair and eyes, and every shade is beautiful."
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