vendredi 28 avril 2017

Wait - It's Been How Long Since These Iconic Outfits Made Their Onscreen Debuts?

Want to feel nostalgic super quick? Just rewatch an old movie or TV show. For fashion girls, we particularly gravitate toward oldies (but goodies) like The Devil Wears Prada for both the storylines and the clothes. There's something so satisfying about watching a style transformation or witnessing past onscreen trends reemerge IRL. We've come to realize too just how much time has passed since our favorite screen-style moments occurred. Did you know it's been 14 years (?!) since Kate Hudson wore that yellow dress in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? If that doesn't already shock you, read on to see the other movie dates we've uncovered. You'll feel a huge dose of nostalgia in an instant.

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