lundi 3 avril 2017
Why a Flight Attendant Asked a Mom With a Screaming Baby to Move
One mom was pretty much living the fear of every parent who has ever traveled alone with kids on a recent Southwest flight. She was with her two young girls when according to a neighbor sitting nearby, her baby burst into a major meltdown. No matter what the mom did, she just couldn't console her baby or put an end to the "very loud" crying fit.
Carrie Jaboor was seated behind the mom and watched as an airline employee walked up to the mom and asked calmly asked her to come to the back of the plane. However when she turned around, the exchange was the complete opposite of what she expected. "I looked back and saw him blowing bubbles for the little girl until she stopped crying as he was also giving tissues to the mother and consoling her as she was crying too," Carrie shared with the Love What Matters Facebook page. "There are some seriously kind people in this world."
Although some could have been more than a bit annoyed by the child's crying, this kind flight attendant didn't blame the mom and instead showed compassion to both the parent and her child.
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