lundi 24 avril 2017
Why This Empty Desk Means So Much - According to 1 Passionate Teacher
While looking at the spot where one of her students used to sit, Marcia Secreet Kephart realized that the space was so much more than just an empty desk.
The student who once occupied that chair was moving away and his classmates sent him off that day with pictures, cards, and lots of hugs. But once that little boy walked out of her classroom for the last time, this first grade teacher was left questioning her time with him. "Once the chaos settled, we emptied his desk, and the kids were gone for the day, I got emotional," she shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page. "I may never see him again, but hope I impacted his life in a positive way."
Although Marcia typically has one school year with a child until they move on to the a new desk in a different classroom next, she understands the importance of the time that she's given - however long or short it is - with each child.
I realized that this empty desk represents a child. A little human that has hopes and dreams. A person that one day, may grow up to find the cure for cancer. Or a boy that one day, will become a dad and have kids of his own.
What will they remember about me after they leave? What did they hear me saying when they were sitting in that desk? Did I teach them just the curriculum? Did I teach them how to be kind and to stand up for what is right? Did I teach them to be an includer and go invite the boy sitting on the bench by himself to play? We are literally shaping future adults.
Teachers, you make such a difference. What we do everyday DOES matter.
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