vendredi 7 avril 2017

Why This Innocent Photo of a Boy and Girl Playing Together Is Going Viral

A picture is worth a thousand words, but even after looking at this innocent photo of a boy leaning his head on a girl as he watches her play, it's impossible to know what makes it such a profoundly moving moment.

After posting the image to Facebook, LaSasha McGee - mother to the girl in the snapshot - explained what was really going on in her caption:

This is Markai and William. William is autistic and for some special reason he is drawn to her and she just loves him to pieces. They met in school and come to find out today we live in the same area. I am in love with this photo I captured today. It shows so much in just one frame. How they don't see color. How she doesn't judge him. How she doesn't go by what "society" says is normal and treats him as she would anyone else.

In this world that we are living in today I think this is what LOVE really should be about. Not about what others say. This brought tears to my eyes just to see how comfortable he is to rest his head on her shoulder and not have a care in the world as she was teaching him ABCS on her tablet. Just take a look at LOVE.

The image has 82,000 reactions and has been shared more than 10,000 times - proof, not just that the innocence of children is a beautiful thing, but that the world is in desperate need of more Markais and more Williams.

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