lundi 17 avril 2017
Yeah, So Trump Forgot to Put His Hand Over His Heart For the National Anthem
We know it's hard to remember all the words to the national anthem, but it's easy enough to remember to place your hand over your heart during the song - or so we thought until President Donald Trump forgot to do it during the annual Easter egg roll on April 17. Thankfully, the president had First Lady Melania Trump to quickly remind him, but that didn't stop the internet from roasting Trump for yet another flub.
Here's a clip showing Melania nudging Trump to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem.
The subtle nudge from Melania reminding Trump to put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem
- Lis Power (@LisPower1) April 17, 2017
People couldn't believe Melania had to remind Trump what to do.
@CapehartJ She had to nudge the 'prez' to make him put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. She's embarrassed
- K. Ag (@KatyDSam) April 17, 2017
@adriana700777 @CNN What's interesting is that a Foreigner had to remind #POTUS 🤣
- Anabella Gymenez (@jimenezana) April 17, 2017
Wow! It's incredibly amazing that the"immigrant First Lady"has to nudge @POTUS when our National Anthem starts🙄Could he be anymore pathetic😫
- CavsFan4Life (@MizDelish) April 17, 2017
Others just made fun of the situation.
@CNN his tiny hand can't find his non existent heart. sad.
- margo (@omimargo) April 17, 2017
@DaniellaMicaela he needs a nudge out of the white house
- Dem Zimmer (@robertzimmer101) April 17, 2017
One person got real with the moment.
@CNN There is no need for him to place his hand over his heart. He does not love this country. He considers it his personal bank.
- Doug Spiker (@TaxSnafu) April 17, 2017
Maybe Trump can stop obsessing over handshakes and instead focus on remembering the basics of being an American citizen.
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